Monday, December 31, 2012

Resolutions for 2013 - Writing prompt

It's the final day of 2012. It's also time to shake up the etch a sketch of life, and get a clean slate. Think long and hard about what we want to draw on it, not just for one day, but for the year.

I could sit around in my pjs' all day pondering about my own resolutions, but I digress. It's as simple as 1 2 3 and 4

1. R E S P E C T - Treating others as I'd like to be treated. Not always as easy to do as it is to say, however, if everyone stopped and thought about what they do and say to others, this world would be a much better place. I want to also teach my children how important this is.

2. Swear less - Sadly, even though I am a mom of young kids, I swear too much. Sometimes like a truck driver, maybe even worse. This doesnt' mean I am going to swear like that Mack truck's driver all day today. The swear jar goes up on the shelf tomorrow, and if I mess up, it's 25 cents gone out of my change purse! - I need those quarters for my coffee.

3. Write Every day - No matter what my day brings, I WILL write every day. Even if it is just a long 'note' on Facebook about my attempt at a new recipe or a review on Amazon of the last movie I watched, I can't live without it. Whenever I stop, or go even a few days, I feel off. From my fingertips, to the keyboard (or pen, yes, sometimes I write longhand), to the words flowing out, it's like a shot of prozac..haha..never had that, but it just sounds good.

4. Take care of myself - Just like my writing life, when I do not eat right, and get some form of exercise,  I feel horrible! Rather than sign up for a gym membership or join weight watchers, I want to make better food choices, and do a variety of different exercises so I don't get bored. And also, be supportive of others that are on the same pilgrimage to be healthier and more fit.

Happy New Year to you all!! I wish everyone luck on their journey down Resolution Road. Cheers!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Papa's last Christmas (A writing prompt)

My latest writing prompt has me strolling down a snowy(and sometimes not so snowy) memory lane of the holiday season.
I could write about so many things from my Aunt Mary's story of truancy to see Ol' Blue eyes to the the last Christmas day in the house I grew up in.
However, it is the first Christmas in that same house that I will recall. It was 1979, my relatives from my mother's side of the family had all come to eat, open presents, laugh, smile, and have our last Christmas with the patriarch of the Arena clan, John Joseph Arena.
I love my papa just as much today as I did then. It was a bit crazy, lots going on, much like most family parties, and the 'foot fixer' was one of the gifts my papa received. He and Nana sat on this old long arm chair that for some strange reason developed lumpiness as it got older.

As a child of 10 years old, it was all a bit overwhelming to be in a new home, albeit a big old drafty(I miss that big old drafty house now) colonial at that. Before that we lived there we lived in a small house. It was a great place for entertaining and once you had enough people in the house, it got warmer, in more ways than one. It was warmer with heat, but it was also just a cozy warm feeling to have such a big family and be able to all be together at the holiday.

I wish the same for everyone reading this - Happy holidays to you and your family!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Another NHS Reunion...

Now 25 years have gone by, and the day after Thanksgiving (a popular weekend for high school reunions), the graduation class of 87 from Norwood met up to drink, eat, drink, talk, drink, take pictures in the fun photo booth, drink some more, dance but mostly have fun.

Everyone looked like they were having fun and isn't that what parties should be about? Sure high school was not great for all of us, but like I've learned in the past few years - life is what you make it. 

Hopefully, those classmates that put the shindig together will read this - because I want to personally thank them. Everyone looked like they were having fun. The free color or b&w picture booth was a huge hit with all! So, whoever had that idea, merci beaucoup! (I took French in high school, those are a few of the words I remember).
Like past reunions, the bar area was packed, as people just wanted to stand around and catch up with each other while they threw back their cocktails.

After eating, and lots of catching up, the dancing commenced via 80's and some 70's music.

Wicked Drunk guy in white shirt
The dancing machine I paired up a few times, Terence, was grooving, even with his hurt foot he managed to cut a perfect rug. Cool and very nice, Terence hasn't changed much as a person since grade school but he definitely had some different looks through high school. He is good people. Also got the groove on with my dance club friends from the dance club days.
Cleveland School classmates sighted. The boys from my speech therapy were both there. I honestly can't remember why I was in speech therapy, but I am glad I had a chance to hang out with them once again to catch up and reminisce about our 'Therapist', Mrs. Riolo.
I'd say we all aged very well and our speech is awesome! :) Speaking of aging well, everyone in the Class of 87 looked very well and lots of happy faces. Some I didn't really know in high school all that well, but as I've gotten older, the confident and brave Eileen has emerged. I mingled a lot more than I did at the last reunion, and tried to talk to as many people as I could. 
Here I am with my gal pals from school that I still see now, Jackie and Joyce. and Steve, who I see from time to time when I am in Norwood. Sean, I didn't really know in high school very well, but I talked to him for awhile at the reunion and he is funny and very nice as well.
Reunions are a funny thing - some people go to them, some people chose not each is own I say. When I do go out anywhere I like to have fun, and that I did! Like my mom, I like to flit from people to people just enjoying everything. Life is good...Another reunion come and gone and I'm sure many a mini get together throughout the new year will arrive as well with new and old friends.
Like I learned in Girl Scouts, "Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold."
Totally, fer shure, bitchen time at NHS' Class of 87 reunion! Comments & additional insight reunion are welcome here!

Monday, December 3, 2012

When I see you Smile

When I see you smile....

everything is good

the corners of my mouth can't help but turn up gleefully

it is as I've had a shot of happiness injected into me

my day is better, even if it's pouring rain

I think of how lucky I am to have you  in my world

I see a handsome boy

When I see all my boys smile, or anyone smile, I will always smile back. A smile is a free gift that is easy to regift and no one will mind!